Romance, Love & witing like a Fiend

That clipart above? That's the kind of muse I have lately.  My deadline for finishing the draft of the romance novel I'm working on is January this coming Friday, But me, in an epic marathon writing spree finished that sucker on Friday. I wrote over 15000 words, well beyond my goal.  I have set the manuscript aside and I'm now working on another book, a character-driven story that I'll have published before the summer. The goal is to finish the draft. I'm into Chapter four with 3500 words written this morning before noon.

Discipline is the key. At the moment I am now enjoying the time to work and so, work I am. At 9am I sit down every morning and write at least until noon with a goal of 1000 words.  If I do that I am satisfied that I have accomplished enough. There is some research happening simultaneously, locations to be researched and so forth but when there is just the dialogue I can zoom along at great speed.

I saw a tweet from a writer who said he was disappointed he had only reached 1000 words today when his goal was 3500.  That's backwards to me. Set 1000 as the goal, it's easy and achievable and delight in reaching it. When you're having a wonderful day, and hit 3500, which I most often do, you feel amazing. Trick your brain. Go ahead. It works.

Have a happy day!

