Skidoo! Vrooooommmm!

One year ago today I arrived home in Newfoundland. 
I still look out my window and inhale the beauty of the ocean.  I still become enthralled at the sight of the sky with its trillion stars so close on a clear evening.  I remain mesmerized by the smell of wood smoke in in the cool evening air.

 I've only really had one complete and utter moment of regret and that was when plans had to change due to a snowstorm in the winter.  
And that was rather unreasonable since winter here has proven so far to be way more temperate than Ontario.  

Plus, we have a skidoo!  And the trail is right behind our house.

Need a bottle of wine? Sure.  Get on skidoo, go to the Esso, get the wine, come home.  You can see why I'm so excited.  The trip to the store is as exciting as the purchase.  Skidoo to the coffee shop. Skidoo to the mall. Skidoo to GANDER!

Ok well perhaps not to Gander but I could!

Anyway, that's exciting.  

An after a productive few days finally all is ready to move forward with my most recent cause.  I've been working furiously ever since the Aviva Community Fund Competition announced that indeed The Change Islands Newfoundland Pony Sanctuary was a semi-finalist, with more votes nationwide than any other competitor in our category. We were competing against thousands of entrants and yet we came in first.  I'm very proud of how we have pulled this entire thing together with people stepping up from all corners of our province and beyond its rugged shores as well to support, to get the word out and to vote themselves.  It's a beautiful and remarkable bit of magic.

If you're not registered to help(first name, last name, email-it's that easy) then please do.  You can help a critically endangered breed of pony become a fully sustainable herd. Details are HERE.

It's a good thing at no cost.  

In all the scuffle I still managed to write and enter the Canada Writes competition.  I dislike the submission of that, find the entries difficult to read as often spacing and paragraphs are off and it's difficult to read.  I hope before some famous writer takes a look at my work somebody prints it on to actual paper and sorts that out. But I doubt it.  Publishing remorse for something I haven't a chance in the world of winning? Nah, just my own bit of pickiness.  It serves me well if I don't get too caught up in it.

So, tomorrow it's back to the book.  I can only vote once, I can only tweet all my followers once each and I have the column drafted.  I need to jump back into my imaginary world where there is drama and excitement.  

My kids had exemplary report cards.  Am I the only parent who still goes to see the teacher even if the grades are perfect?  I still like to touch base.  

Christmas..are you ready? We have the space cleared, the tree is in the house, but we're not quite ready to decorate and get into it all. We've had the Santa Claus parade(goes right by our house!) and we have our second Christmas concert to attend tomorrow night.

Life is good. Christmas is like a great big cherry on top of the year.  

I cannot imagine a better existence for a human and I'm going to enjoy each moment. 

Happy December!
