Love Ghost

The Lookout at Tallboy on Change Islands

Love Ghost

This ghost that haunts these cliffs is strong
not a dainty spirit like the northern sun
It doesn't hide in banks of fog
afraid to shine on its beloved one

It flits and dances through the bog
touching leaves and juniper branches
it doesn't jump to scare the wanderer
and eases those who takes their chances

In heated bogs the berry's perfume
is the invisible cloak the love ghost  wears
its scent is a melody from the marshlands
and the bumbles slowdance to its aires

But the spirit of the tallest hilltop
doesn't cling to rock and crag
it travels where its haunting love songs
and heart string music must be played

The message from the hills are cryptic
with riddles of  longing and love and sighs
but the ghost haunts still, a happy spectre
for a ghost's a thing that never dies


Anonymous said…
yes my dear it is sooooooo fine