Look what this kid is doing!

Ethan Dupuis is 6 years old and has autism. His family, dad, mom, sister and brother will be participating in the 2010 Walk of Hope for Autism and need sponsors. I saw the request from a friend on my facebook page and thought, why not! So I donated. I haven't given to charity this month, timing is everything Ethan!

Now I don't know Ethan personally, but I just thought it was a great thing this kid is doing plus this is an important cause. My producer at the television studio has two autistic children with the possibility of a third being on the spectrum. I also did a story on Autism for the show a few months ago and got to experience a little of what a struggle, yet joy, these children are.

So if you have an extra few bucks around, why not support Ethan and his efforts to raise awareness and funds for this worthy cause.

To Read more about ETHAN DUPUIS or to Donate follow this LINK.

Good luck to you and your family on your walk Ethan!

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