Fun with Sparkles

Ah, gotta love the vampire purists. Apparently there is a vampire canon and a part of that is adamant that vampires don't sparkle. Me, being an admirer of blasphemers against any dogma, I certainly think vampires are as likely to sparkle as they are to sleep in coffins. See the thing is "real vampires don't sparkle" but my issue is, there is no such thing as a real vampire, so who cares if they sparkle, twinkle or glow in the dark.

It's really difficult to take the dogma of a mythical creature seriously. It is considered only appropriate to change the written doctrine with a truly good reason and apparently writing a series of books that makes you a successful writer and earns you tons of money isn't a good enough one.

Now I've got my own troubles with the entire Twilight thing but I appreciate it for exactly what it is, pure entertainment aimed at teens and tweens, that's all, that's it, there isn't anymore. And teens like sparkles. I'm personally not opposed to sparkles and I've been known to sparkle a little myself at times. You can buy it in jars even.

And in light of that I wrote my own little tribute to the sparklers amongst us and it goes something like this.

"Crystal pathways trailed along his face in the bright sunshine and disappeared into the shadows of his collared shirt. Multifaceted cells of an unknown origin reflected a million little shafts of light into my eyes, their dancing prisms blinding me, their brilliance overwhelming my senses as I fell towards him, against my will, drawn inexplicably to his unearthly beauty. Immortality was mine and I waited, without fear, for his cold marbled lips to press against my trembling human throat".

Yes that was mine, not Stephenie Meyer's little sparkly vampire tribute. I hope you like it.

I'm enjoying my writing class. It's helping me tremendously and it's a lot of fun. I'm not sure they're going to like my unorthodox approach to writing but I am open to learning more of the craft certainly even if my story-telling philosophy is different. It's a free for all in the world of the imagination and I certainly won't allow my creativity to be stifled by the already existing imaginary creations.

From what I can see it's not those who follow the same old patterns that have success in this business, it's those who write a great story that is different from what's out there.

It's the same with real life. The road not taken has less traffic, you are more likely to stand out and be seen. Those who break free from the constraints imposed on them by the ideals of others often are the most successful at what they do and frequently the only one doing it.

So I say down with the dogma and free the artist to write, paint, play, draw, sculpt whatever their imagination and inspiration tells them to create.

Free the Sparkly vampires!

Breeze Talks About Weight Loss


Kerry said…
Sparkly vampires are the best.....

Twilight. Yep, honestly, if i looked at it too deep, i have issues with it, but it is what it is, and i am a sucker for it.

Read the books, watch the movies, read the books....

drool over vampires and warewolves....

and start all over again...

*sigh* i need to get a life. :-)
Shadow said…
travel the quiet road... it's worth it.
benning said…
"From what I can see it's not those who follow the same old patterns that have success in this business, it's those who write a great story that is different from what's out there.

It's the same with real life. The road not taken has less traffic, you are more likely to stand out and be seen. Those who break free from the constraints imposed on them by the ideals of others often are the most successful at what they do and frequently the only one doing it."

I agree! It's been said, "There is nothing new under the sun," and there is some truth to that. What is new is a different view of the old things, a different way of describing them. And that's what moves us forward .. . in Art, Science, and in Life.

I read the first Twilight book, and it was enjoyable. Having heard many reviews of the following books I doubt I'll read them. I watched the first movie and ejoyed that, too. But in specifics, such as characterization, I can't say it was very good. How many angst-ridden teens are out there? How many of their stories can we swallow? Too many, I think.

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Oh the angst never ends. Having two teenage daughters they love this because they identify..not with the vampire part, but with the love/angst part.

And as a former teenager I have to say it really spoke to my inner teen..I had an "Edward" back then.. our romantic teen selves almost all wanted one..the bad boy with the heart of gold who rescued us from the badder guys and we rescued them from themselves with our love. My "Edward" sparkled from the inside out :)

Thanks for the comments..won't urge you to read the books...I would watch the second movie though :)

RNSANE said…
I went to nursing school in New Orleans and, if there were ever vampires, I think they cavorted about there - and I would imagine them dressed to the nines, in ruffles and such, and perhaps a few sparkles or, definitely, glittering jewels, in those lovely antebellum homes.
Cam said…
I was late to the party with Twilight. I haven't read the books, but I did see the first movie. I felt such pity for teenage boys that weren't sparkly vampires the second the credits rolled. Those guys really don't stand a chance with the teenage girls now. haha! For me, as a teenage girl, it was Rhett Butler. I was in love...
Do vampires exist? Don't COUNT on it (ahhh! what a dreadful pun, sorry! But have you looked in Transylvania?
I like your account of your out of this world seduction by a vampire - got your teeth into that very well.
Seriously glad you are enjoying the course.
Oh and just in case you have not noticed I had a very special guest for roasting over the weekend and no it was not Count Dracular! LOL
Bye for now ~ Eddie x