Excerpt from Indigo~The Novel

"The two men looked at the horizon and as they did the divine hand that drew the seven natural wonders of the world and placed them exactly where they belonged, the hand that sketched the constellations and the planets, the ocean floor and the blue faces of the arctic glaciers, began to etch the grey coast of Newfoundland shade by brilliant shade. Eventually the unlikely companions could make out the individual rocks and trees and by and by they could see the ferry terminal where they would part ways."

Between now and my publication date anyone who comments on a post is automatically entered into a draw to win a copy of my poetry book, Wind Rhymes!. The book should be released somewhere around the end of October! No limit, every comment is an entry!

Breeze Talks About Weight Loss


Clandestiny saidā€¦
That's a great passage! It's such a short exerpt but it says volumes more. I get this awe inspiring sense of the two men being so tiny in such a vast universe but at peace with that because they know they are where they're meant to be at that very moment. That can be a very comforting thought at times.
Carolyn R. Parsons saidā€¦
Thank you! It's still in progress but that is exactly what I'm going for without saying it! Nice to know it came through!

Shadow saidā€¦
how very spiritual...
scribbling sassy saidā€¦
this novel is still showing your poetic side, ^^ I loved every word you wrote in these lines!
Unknown saidā€¦
Glad your girls are better Bree.....carry on..