Excerpt from Indigo~The Novel

"The concrete walls of the cell held a cold energy that sucked the spirit out a man and made him a shell of anger and despair. The peeling paint only attempted to hide the reality of the starkness. The window with its stainless steel frame and bars held more cruelty than a darkened room would have. It teased him with the flickers of sunshine that taunted and whispered of the life he was missing."

I am supposed to be doing housework, getting ready for my little girl's birthday party tomorrow but I can't stay away from the book, it pulled me in today, helping me avoid the boring and neverending chores that surround me.

I have to edit still a lot of work. This little excerpt above is from a chapter I'm fixing up and I like the way it's going.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Between now and my publication date anyone who comments on a post is automatically entered into a draw to win a copy of my poetry book, Wind Rhymes!. The book should be released somewhere around the end of October! No limit, every comment is an entry!

Breeze Talks About Weight Loss


Unknown said…
An excellent description of how destitute I felt in 1976 as I sat in one of the worst Texas jails begging the spirit's pardon so I would be released before the authorities noticed I was on probation.
Shadow said…
that description is stark and hopeless, as it's meant to be.