Just Some Updates!
Life is busy these days but things are about to change. A week from tomorrow my little girls go off to school. The older ones go on Tuesday of next week and the littlest starts on Friday, attending every other day.
I've got a poetry book being released at the end of September. That's exciting. It seems like I'm sitting in limbo over that, awaiting the photos, so there's nothing I can do and at times I forget but it's a really big deal to release a book.
The television thing is up and running but I've found it's taking more time than I've expected so I'm concentrating on the reporting only and dropping the camera work because it just takes too long and I need to use my time for writing as well as working. This is a hobby, a fun one but the camera stresses me out and that does not make it fun. I'm sure I'll find a buddy who will be happy to learn the camera part of this endeavor. I did my first interviews and I'm pleased and I really enjoyed them. I love meeting people and helping them with their causes.
I'm not used to being this busy outside of the house and I'm trying to step back a little. This is the last week of summer and it's been a bust as far as vacation. We've done nothing really. One trip to the beach. I think another, surprise trip is in order soon, just watching the weather and looking for the hottest day. Yesterday felt like fall and was not a beach day at all.
So now comes the time for me to make my big decisions. Should I take a part time job? Should I work solely on getting my Heritage Makers business off the ground? This is what I now have to decide. I've also considered my post partum doula training that I've put off for a while. That might be a good way to get back and give back. I'm also a certified Childbirth Educator and I'm thinking I might offer classes again for that.
So the future looms cloudy and confused and clear and bright all at once. The road forks in many directions and while Robert Frost recommends the road not taken, perhaps the alternative route might be to take them all!
Suggestions welcome!

Breeze Talks About Weight Loss
I've got a poetry book being released at the end of September. That's exciting. It seems like I'm sitting in limbo over that, awaiting the photos, so there's nothing I can do and at times I forget but it's a really big deal to release a book.
The television thing is up and running but I've found it's taking more time than I've expected so I'm concentrating on the reporting only and dropping the camera work because it just takes too long and I need to use my time for writing as well as working. This is a hobby, a fun one but the camera stresses me out and that does not make it fun. I'm sure I'll find a buddy who will be happy to learn the camera part of this endeavor. I did my first interviews and I'm pleased and I really enjoyed them. I love meeting people and helping them with their causes.
I'm not used to being this busy outside of the house and I'm trying to step back a little. This is the last week of summer and it's been a bust as far as vacation. We've done nothing really. One trip to the beach. I think another, surprise trip is in order soon, just watching the weather and looking for the hottest day. Yesterday felt like fall and was not a beach day at all.
So now comes the time for me to make my big decisions. Should I take a part time job? Should I work solely on getting my Heritage Makers business off the ground? This is what I now have to decide. I've also considered my post partum doula training that I've put off for a while. That might be a good way to get back and give back. I'm also a certified Childbirth Educator and I'm thinking I might offer classes again for that.
So the future looms cloudy and confused and clear and bright all at once. The road forks in many directions and while Robert Frost recommends the road not taken, perhaps the alternative route might be to take them all!
Suggestions welcome!
Breeze Talks About Weight Loss
Best of luck and enjoy every moment. You are an extraordinary being, whatever your choice(s).
Renaissance Woman!
Congrats on all the above!
nicely done~