Eleven Minutes

Eleven Minutes

In eleven minutes I'll wake you
and see your perfect faces
I'll marvel at your beauty
with sleep bedraggled traces

but now I sit with me
a gift so rare and fine
eleven minutes of solitude
as sweet as well-aged wine

In chaos I'll immerse myself
when it's your sweet morning
but first eleven minutes of solitude
at early morning's dawning

Quiet and peaceful beginnings
breath and meditation
eleven minutes of solitude
spent in sun salutations

Eleven minutes fading
it's time to awaken
I'm ready for your laughter
with just eleven minutes taken


Unknown said…
awesome! awesome! awesome! your poems always make me smile...and cry ;)

truly terrific...when are you going to guest blog for me?!?!? :0)

how do we do that again, anyway?...
Any time you want Lia...how did we do that? lol
Deepanjan Ghosh said…
Very nice...but...err...why eleven??!!
Anonymous said…
Wonderful! This post ties in with your gratitude posts - being thankful and grateful for every single minute. This one somehow makes me very emotional - it struck a chord with me. Thanks Breeze. Once again, I am so glad that we have connected!
Unknown said…
i remember those 11 minutes
Double-Dolphin..because that was how many minutes I had before I woke the children up and eleven seemed just right...I spent 3 or 4 of them writing this poem, then I did a quick meditation, a quick yoga...then I woke the little girls up.

Audrey...I think this is a good one to write just before Mother's Day as well.

Lisa...I bet you do.

Delightful poem. It speaks volumes of your quiet eleven minutes of solitude, relaxation and peace. It shines with early morning light, restful asanas and chirping birds outside.

Thank you

Debbie said…
I loved this!!!!! really special!!