A Beginning, A Middle, No End!

Another birthday. Yesterday. There is something special about a birthday. Someone asked me if I felt "old" and I laughed. I don't feel old or young, I just feel great. I don't think that "we" get old at all. Our bodies do of course, but, the essence of us, the true self doesn't age. We are on a continuum and this human experience is a part of that continuum.

But still a birthday is a good opportunity to think about where we are in our lives and to take a look at where we are right now and if we are living in the way we are supposed to be living, are we on purpose and filled with joy and passion for our life. That's what I did a lot yesterday, reflected and meditated.

Life is full of beginnings. We celebrate our birth, a beginning, we celebrate the beginning of the year, the beginning of spring but what I celebrated this year, the beginning I celebrated was that I've started to live from my core, my passion and to truly do the things I love to do. It's been coming on for a while but truly it's been this year that I've made a change to live from the heart and it's made all the difference.

So, now I'm 43. Officially middle age I guess. Not a Hallmark number, no big parties for 43, but definitely in the middle of the human average life-span. And being in the middle feels good. I'm in the middle of a great year, surrounded by a fantastic and wonderfully healthy family, I have 4 beautiful loving daughters and the best partner in life I could possibly hope for(thank you for the roses sweetheart). I'm in the middle of one of the most peaceful places on earth and the gratitude I feel at this time, with much of the world in the middle of upheaval and violence, knows know bounds. I'm grateful to raise my children here, in the middle of peace.

So now we reach the end. But only of this paragraph. Last night there was a full moon. I usually keep track of the moon but somehow missed that it was yesterday so what a nice surprise when I looked out from my front porch window and saw that beautiful white round sphere sitting in perdurable silence in the sky. Its impossible for me to not believe in the infinite life of the human spirit when I see a disc of rock floating before my eyes. More magnificent than any Copperfield trick, to think, that we float, in perfect orbits on rocks in space and to then say infinity of the spirit is impossible is to deny the truth that's before our eyes.

There is no end, we carry on, we are never ending. In the famous words of Teilhard De Chardin "We are not human beings have a spritual experience but spiritual beings having a human experience. I'm not in middle age so much as I'm in the middle of my human experience.

Today, the day after my birthday, I continue on as yesterday, hopeful of this new beginning, 43 and a day, happy in the middle of my human experience, and grateful, ever so grateful that there is no end in sight for my spiritual experience. And I'm even more grateful to have you along on the journey.



Unknown said…
happy happy day after your birthday baby ! this is very exciting for both of us, being so close...........
at the Cottage we celebrate the Full Moon period rather than just one day of full moon- so that includeds three days either side ............smooches xx
ah! yes, my little moon thing on google gives me the percentages and it starts around three times either side too! yesterday said 100% so...
nollyposh said…
!HAPPY BIRTHDAY! chickie *kissez*
Joanne said…
Happy (belated) birthday. Wishing you many more peaceful moments, lived from the heart!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Breeze!
Daria said…
Happy Birthday Breeze!
Deepanjan Ghosh said…
I'm so sorry I missed it. Belated birthday greetings, and I have a gift for you...it shall be reaching you in a few hours...I hope you like it...
Karen said…
Happy (belated) birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U, May all your wishes and aspirations come true...and that includes one you had mentioned in your Imaine post too......

You need to post picture of your cake and yourself
Anonymous said…
Great point about the rock floating in the sky. Happy Birthday!