Reprinted without Permission

I was cleaning up today and found an old notebook that belonged my daughter Alyssa. There was a poem in there that I have seen before, she showed it to me when she wrote it, a few years back. I thought I'd post it here even though I haven't had a chance to ask her for permission but then she didn't ask for permission that one time she left the house to go meet her friends and I didn't know where she was, or that one time she...well, you get the idea.

She did win a poetry contest once, though not for this one, and when I find a copy of it I'll post that. But I love the simplicity and honesty of this one.


Take me to the seagulls
Then she points up to the sky
look at how the seagulls dance
They're dancing when they fly

Gulls don't want to be humans
or fish or ships or plants
A seagull on its feet would do
a really clumsy dance.

Alyssa Anstey~likely around age 13-14.


nollyposh said…
Oh wOw! i ~love~ it! X:-)
Anonymous said…
That is great! Clever little Miss that one!
Debbie said…
Loved this!! thanks for sharing..with or without actual permission!! :)