Come out come out whoever you are!

For all the mothers who have waited patiently at the end of the pregnancy for the little one to come out, for those who are just impatient, for those whose babies were very comfortable and stayed in way past their expected time(Like my third pregnancy, 16 days) and for those who believe that medical interference in the process is not the way to go, this is for all of you.

I have an online friend who is expecting any day now. She asked for labour vibes. But then she said, Tuesday wasn't a good day, but any other day was fine. So she received many vibes and even more suggestions, herbal rememedies, the old "what gets the baby in, gets the baby out" suggestion, even Irish dancing.

So I wrote a poem for her, and for all the mommies who currently or ever have grown impatient waiting for their babies to become outies instead of innies here it is.

"Baby Come Out"

She's Riverdanced, she's washed the floors
She's got black cohosh comin' out of her pores
She's had enough sex, hubby has a perma smile
She's been ready to meet you for quite a while
So baby come soon, it's been a long wait
Tuesday she's busy, but Wednesday is great!


Samantha said…
ha, I love that!! :) I'm due any day now too- tomorrow would be Great for me! :)